Bouquet of flowers

How often do you visit your local supermarket and as you are leaving are handed a lovely bunch of flowers - free.  Not very often. And as I can't physically share them with you - please enjoy this "virtual" bouquet of flowers.

Nothing fancy, but they are pretty never-the-less.

Flowers in my house are always in danger of being eaten by one not so small fluffy creature.  As a result any flowers I have need to be in the kitchen in case they are knocked over by "accident".
 Words were spoken after this photo was taken.


And whilst on the subject of flowers, I passed these beautiful ones on a walk with DH last weekend.
I think they are cherry blossom?
 The blossom this year is very good, perhaps all the rain and cold weather has been the secret. This was taken during our walk last weekend. No walks this weekend, it is icy cold and windy - nothing like last weekend when it was warm and sunny.
Its always uplifting to see people caring for their neighbourhood and these homeowners have decided to extend their gardens into the lane-way.  In a few months it will look even better when everything is in flower.
 Some more of that gorgeous wattle that I find so cheerful.



  1. I told myself this week to go buy some cut flowers...haven't had any in months, and our heat has killed everything...thanks for sharing your flowers and all the ones outside

  2. How nice to receive flowers for free. They are definitely lovely.

    I enjoyed viewing the photographs of your neighborhood as well. It looks very clean and well-kept.

    Oh, and I couldn't help but laugh as well as shake my head when I saw the photo of one of your cats at the flowers. Every time I get fresh flowers, I have to store them VERY HIGH, otherwise, I get the same "problem" with my cats. :)

  3. Madame Wildflower - I wonder why indoor cats get so excited to see flowers, I had trouble keeping Ruby away from them. She was just so excited. Yes, most of the neighbourhood is well-kept and tidy, those bits that aren't I try and avoid!

  4. Cherry blossoms are in full bloom here too, arent' they the most gorgeous flowers! too bad they don't flower for long:( The yellow I believe is Cootamundra wattle (as per my mother in law).

  5. What gorgeous photos Jo- the flowers are just beautiful. Looks like you are having a wonderful spring there - the pinks and yellows are so vibrant. Enjoy those beautiful days!



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