Planning for our old age

WITH dementia rates set to soar, it is imperative more Australians plan for when they can no longer manage their health care, end-of-life care, or financial affairs, a new report says. Only about 55 per cent of Australians have a will, and an even smaller proportion have recorded their wishes in legally binding directives about nursing, guardianship, or power of attorney arrangements. ( source ) I am some way off planning my old age, but this is worth considering. My mother has recently moved into aged care (as she now requires high nursing care)—my parents knew the time would come when she would need specialist care, but not quite as soon as it happened. My mother didn’t want to go into a nursing home, you do hear terrible things about them, but the Lord has provided us with a lovely place that meets all her needs and the staff are very nice, friendly and caring. However, at almost 80 it will take quite a while to adjust to her new surroundings - comm...