
Showing posts with the label Religion


And you will be hated by all for My name’s sake.  But he who endures to the end will be saved. Matthew 10:22  My mother moved into a nursing home in early 2012. She is 80 years old and not in good health. She never hid from anyone her love for the Lord and that she was a Christian lady. She continued, as she would have at home, to read her Bible, read Christian literature and talk about the Lord to others. What she never expected were the snide remarks about her faith.  Some comments are mild " you are too religious " but others are far more hurtful, especially to someone who is frail and fragile.  You might think that these comments were coming from young people, no, some are said by people older than my mother. My dad and I were having a discussion about this and I mentioned that if a newspaper (online) runs a story about Christians, the number of comments that are aggressive, nasty and openly hostile towards Christians out weigh anything that is tole...