
Showing posts with the label flower

Vegetable growing in suburbia

“It is said that the effect of eating too much lettuce is 'soporific'.”  ―  Beatrix Potter ,  The Tale of the Flopsy Bunnies I thought I would give you an garden update now that spring is in full swing. Dear hubby and I have starting our preparations for the summer vegetable growing and one project is well underway - another raised garden bed  (see below). It is now in position and ready for soil. This one is 1.2 metres x 1.2 metres, plenty of room for tomatoes, zucchini and cucumber.  In the late winter (after the frosts) I plan to grow potatoes - something I haven't done before but it looks easy!!  I don't have a garden big enough to have a large vegetable patch but I do have smaller spaces that can be used for vegetables. I find I do best with these raised beds and its amazing where I can find places to put them. I am sure next year I will have found a space for another one! Our veg garden is not huge, but plenty big enough for two people...