
Showing posts with the label A moment in time


Oh! that gentleness! how far more potent is it than force!   ― Charlotte Brontë  Gentleness: 1. kindly; amiable: a gentle manner. 2. not severe, rough, or violent; mild. 3. moderate: gentle. 4. polite; refined; respectable. Gentleness  no longer popular, its gone out of fashion like good manners and being feminine.  Gentleness is considered a sign of weakness. Women who are gentle are seen as passive. Training a daughter to be gentle is seen as anti-feminist. Modern women are taught to be tough like men, stand up for themselves, domineering, speak their mind, be forceful, loud, willing to fight. You won't find too many gentle women in positions of power.  What was once  considered  a strength is now  considered a weakness.   Let your gentleness be known to all men. ( Philippians 4:5) Along with the death of gentleness, we have also seen the decline in meekness, kindness, caring, goodness, faithfuln...

A moment in time

I wanted to share a small moment in time, one evening a few days ago. This is where I relax in the evenings, you can see my comfortable chair with its cushions and rug (to keep me warm) and Ruby's favourite place, right next to me. She is a very faithful cat. Also sharing my couch is Mr Basil Bear. A special gift for this years birthday (still someway off) and on his red jumper it reads "Praying 4U, Lots of Love". He keeps me company every evening and is much loved. To the little family who sent me Mr B Bear - thankyou, he means a lot to me.   Ruby likes to keep my books warm, it does make it difficult to read them!! She can't see the problem, because when I am not reading I can focus 100% on her!! Mr Basil Bear, very soft and cuddly and perfect for hugging.  Don't know about you, but I find yellow roses to be so joyful and cheery. And these look lovely with the contrasting purple daisies.  ****