
Showing posts with the label marraige

An excellent wife: Investing in your marriage

One of the most important things in my life is keeping my marriage strong and healthy. 💕 If you neglect your garden, it becomes overgrown and things start to suffer. Some plants will die and others will battle hard to get above the weeds. But overall, the garden as a whole will no longer be as healthy and as beautiful as it once was. Marriage is a bit like this. Neglect your marriage and it becomes overgrown with weeds and things start with wither and die, it become bitter and very unhappy.  As the say goes "marriage is hard work" and it is.  You can't sit back and expect it to remain rosy as it was during the honey moon stage if you don't do anything.  We all need to work on our marriages to keep them fresh, strong, healthy, loving and romantic and that takes quite a lot of investing.  As wives our main goal is to please our husbands, and likewise husbands to please their wives. Marriage isn't all about what the husband wants and nor is it abo...

Weddings and romance

I would like to make a confession (ssshhh don't tell anyone!) . . .  there is two things I particularly enjoy . . . romance novels and a good wedding. OK, if there had been an English literature class at high school on romance novels I would have got an A+ as I read MANY romance novels in my younger days. . . . very guilty. . . . . still do occasional today. To my second pleasure . . . a good wedding . . . today is the day that Prince William and Katherine will be getting married and I, along with million of others, will watch.   As a teenager, my mum and I went to our neighbours to watch Prince Charles and Diana (not that I had a clue it wouldn't work out) get married and I just LOVED it - I am a romantic at heart and being a "girly" girl, I just love looking at the bridal dress, the jewellery and dreaming!!!! In more recent times I watched Prince Fredrick of Denmark marry our very own Mary, Prince Andrew marry Sarah etc etc...... So if I was getting married toda...

What makes a Christian marriage?

I was reading on another blog about the struggles of marriage and how difficult it can be, I couldn't agree more.  Marriage can be tough, really tough.  I found this list by Nancy Leigh DeMoss which I thought was a good reminder -  things I ought to remember. So this is more a message to self than telling other people how to create a solid Christian marriage.  You may not need it as you have already reached this wonderful position but I have some more areas of improvement! “ Every wise woman buildeth her house:  but the foolish plucketh it down with her hands ” (Prov. 14:1) 1. Am I building up my house or tearing it down? 2. Am I investing in my marriage? Am I nurturing the heart of my marriage? 3. Do I frequently express admiration and gratitude to my husband? 4. Am I reserving the best of my physical and emotional energy for my family? 5. Am I creating a climate (through words, actions, and attitudes) that makes my husband want to be at home? 6. Am...
I wanted to share with you today my news.  My son came home last night and announced that he and his girlfriend have got engaged. They had been dating for 5 years and are a wonderful couple. I had been praying that they would get married. And God has answered my prayers.  My son chose a beautiful ring for his lovely fiancee. I was very impressed by his selection. * * *

 Start with one cup of: 
Agreement To Prioritize Fun, Over Everything Being "Perfect" 
Flexibility - Happiness 
 "I'm Sorry" - Thank You's 
Understanding Sense of Humor  L-O-V-E 
Caring, Courtesy, Confidence 
Cooperation, Commitment 
Contentment, Consideration 
More L-O-V-E 
Trust, Patience, Peace Of Mind 
Realistic Budget, Happy Memories  
Willingness To Listen & Hear 
Even More  L-O-V-E 
Hugs, Respect, Encouragement 
 Supportive Family Members  
Blindness To Each Other's Faults 
Acceptance Of Each Other's Interests & Hobbies 
Lots More L-O-V-E  
Combine Several Mutual Activities  
Sweeteen With Occasional Tokens Of Love 
 Stir Well & Remove Any Specks Of Temper,  Jealousy, Criticism, Negativism, or Indifference 
Keep Warm With A Steady Flame Of Attention 
Serve With A Speci...


 My son said to me the other day that he didn’t see the need for getting married.   It made me feel very sad, as every mother dreams of the day when their son or daughter commit themselves to their partner for life through marriage.  Sadly my son’s views are now very common with many couples living together either before getting married or remaining in a defacto relationship as long as the relationship lasts.  To give you some statistics for Australia: The crude marriage rate (the number of marriages for every 1,000 people of the population) fell from 9.3 in 1970 to 5.3 in 2001 and only increasing slightly since then to 5.5 in 2008.  Many marriages end in divorce. In 1975, 16% live together before marriage but by 2008, 78% of those who married had lived together beforehand. Marriage these days is viewed very differently to a few generations ago.  What was once considered sacred and a lifetime commitment is now viewed as something that will be “as lon...