
Showing posts with the label Friday

Understanding Friday

Mother's Day . . . a day that brings great joy to the first time mums and great grief to the woman who cannot conceive. Mother's Day is a tough, hard day for  all the women who so desperately want children but have not been blessed with any. It is so important to remember these women, not in pity but in love and care. These women have suffered a great deal and do not need to be quizzed by others (who may have many children) why they don't have any.  Some of these women may have lost their only babies via miscarriage and the pain may still be raw. Others may have never had the joy of ever carrying a baby. Only God understands why and we need to be respectful, gentle and understanding. We need to remember these women on Mother's Day and not just think of our own blessings.  And lets also remember all the mothers who have lost children (young or older) from accidents, cot death, suicide, from illness and also for all the mothers who's children have st...