
Showing posts with the label trivia

How to wash a cat!

source Firstly, my apologies to all the gorgeous cats in the world. Please don't be offended!! Everyone needs a laugh occassionally . I think I got this from Facebook - source unknown

On Holidays

I'm on holidays (I think Americans call this a vacation), the start of my five weeks off work.  I am currently visiting my family and won't be home for a week (dear husband has been left to look after the home, the dogs and my cats). I have been looking forward to this trip for ages and so far so good! As a result blogging might be a little spasmodic (or lite) this week as I will be preoccupied with other activities (and family), but when I can, I will post a blog. I can though say that Art Friday will appear as normal as I have already done it.  My cousin (Clara) posted this on Facebook the other day and I thought I would share it.  Wise advice! But I had to laugh at the need to be ready in case a visitor or your husband dropped by whilst you were sewing and wouldn't have time to put on your powder and lipstick so be prepared.  You wouldn't want to be "constantly fearful".  May you all have a wonderful week.

In celebration of books: Did you know?

Being the National Year of the Reading , here are some interesting facts about books: Early books didn't have titles or authors or anything printed on the covers? Books used to be shelved "backwards" with the spine facing the back of the shelf and the fore-edge facing out? The largest book in the world is "The Klencke Atlas” with 1.75 ( 175 ) metres long and 1.9 ( 190 ) metres wide. It is so heavy as it needs six persons to lift it and other two to open it. Johan Maurits of Nassau made The Klencke Atlas, which Amsterdam merchant Johannes Klencke apparently presented to Charles II of England upon the king's restoration to the throne in 1660. The book is a collection of 37 printed wall maps encapsulating all the geographic and historical knowledge of the time. All the maps are either unique or one of only a few copies.  One of the most controversial books of all times is “Lolita” by Vladimir Nabokov. This was a subject for controversy right from its publication...

Just a quick hello

Hi guys - just popping in to see how you were all feeling day!! Who ate too much? Today is Boxing Day in Australia and the sales have started.  Even though I am reluctant to visit the stores, I really would like to replace some of our manchester (doona covers and fitted sheets) and I have been waiting for the sales to do so.  So, off I go to have a look.  I won't be out long though! Back with more serious stuff later!! ~oOo~

A little bit of trivia: the scales and I

There are many different sorts of scales: Fish scales Kitchen scales Music scales Scales of justice But the one I am most interested in are the scales located in the bathroom The bathroom scales and I have reached an agreement.  They will not nag me over the next few days as long as they sees things return to normal by mid next week.  Each morning at around 6:20am (!) the scales and I have a little chat about the coming day. Some days the scales reminds me to be careful (particularly on Fridays when we have a morning tea), other days it says “well done”.  We are quite good friends at the moment as it has seen continuous improvement over the last 11 months and I have reassured the scales, that it will continue to see improvement into the new year. Enjoy the festive season tomorrow for all those living in Australia.

Spinach and other rambles

After the success of my tomatoes in summer (which I am still picking) I have decided to grow spinach this winter.  The first crop is almost ready to pick, however I find that when I am wandering past I can't help but eat a leaf, so there isn't quite as much as there use to be. On the weekend I planted the second crop of spinach - this time 3 punnets instead of just one. Those little green pellets are to keep the pestie snails away that seem to appear as soon as I plant something small and tender. The lemon balm smells delicious and makes a great tea.  Usually after it flowers in summer it dies back, but not this year (probably due to the mild summer), it has decided to spring back and grow - the first frosts will probably cause it some stress.   ~oOo~ What is on your fridge door - I find it a great place to store those recipes I have cut out or printed from magazines/internet.  I have been finding recipes for my son to cook - he made this one last week and it was d...

Another completely trivial moment

 Did you know . . . facts about pet ownership 12 million Australians are associated with pets. 63% of the 7.5 million households in Australia own pets. Australia has one of the highest incidence of pet ownership in the world. Typically, the major carer of the pet is female, married with children, living in the suburbs and most likely employed. 91% of pet owners report feeling 'very close' to their pet, reinforcing that pets are an integral member of the family unit, however constituted. Pets were a normal part of childhood for more than 83% of Australians. Of the Australians who do not currently own a pet, 53% would like to do so in the future. The pet care industry contributes $4.74 billion to the economy annually.  In total 44,700 Australians are employed in the pet care industry. And I am the proud owner of 2 Dobermans (Brenin and Gaia) and 2 cats - Charlie the Tortoiseshell and Ruby the Ragdoll. In the past I have owned, cats, dogs, rats, rabbits, mice and fi...

Friday trivia

What would you consider the perfect weekend? Here is my list Sleeping-in followed by breakfast in bed Sitting in my favourite chair reading all afternoon Morning tea on a blanket by the lake watching the ducks  A romantic walk An evening spent by the fire  Watching a movie in the afternoon with the sound of rain outside Visiting second-hand book stores or antique stores  Lunch with those that are special (family and friends) Walking along the beach at sunset Trip to the plant nursery and a potter in the garden or just sitting in the garden and watching the world go by You may notice that my perfect weekend involves no housework!! ~oOo~

Its Friday - random thought!!

Would you name your child after a disaster  — personally I wouldn’t.  Several babies were born during Cyclone Yasi and I believe two were not named after the cyclone, however one couple did “ Dakota Yasi ”.  I am not sure if this is a good thing as she will be forever linked to the cyclone and I’m not sure if this is positive.  And knowing how kids get teased at school, I wonder if she will be teased for being named after a cyclone.  Kids can be so cruel. ~oOo~ Did you know you can request a name to be added to the cyclone list of names —would you? I thought about my son’s name which is quite unusual and he would think it was really cool —but according to the Australian Bureau of Meteorology it can take up to 50 years before your requested name is allocate to a cyclone — my son would be almost 70 and I would be dead!! This link is quite interesting if you want to know how cyclones are named and selected ( information) . I like to keep everyone informed!! ~...