
Showing posts with the label Job interview

Going for a job interview (not me!)

J ob interviews - I have sat on both sides of the table when it comes to job interviews.  I will admit I much prefer to be doing the interviewing than being the one interviewed.  However, when I'm  interviewing I am very much aware that only one person is able to win the position, the rest will be disappointed and for some, its quite devastating because that promotion would have made a differences to a struggling family or got them out of a current position that they are unhappy with. It can be very tough making the final decision. Today my son is going off to an interview. He doesn't like his current job (not that he grumbles very often) but has stuck with it for almost 2 years which I am proud of. I pray that he is successful as he would earn more (something that will be important when he and his wife decide to start a family) and will allow him to gain more skills and therefore a career to better and more rewarding positions.  My advice to him is to ...

Writing job applications

My son is currently writing job applications and he is finding it very hard work.  It can take him well over a week to write an application and I often read them for grammar and content.  At the moment he is applying for jobs within the Australian government and they have very particular criteria, such as these (I think many adults would struggle with these, let alone a 23 year old): Achieves Results by working with clearly defined outcomes and generally meeting targets while demonstrating a flexible approach to changing requirements. Demonstrates Personal Drive and Integrity by displaying enthusiasm towards work and being open to feedback on own performance relating to strengths and limitations. I realised (perhaps too late) that at school he was never taught to write applications - to write about his skills and abilities and to "sell himself" to others (without coming across as boastful). I was wondering if, as homeschoolers, you taught (or will be teaching) the skill o...

Exciting news :)

Exciting news - today Tristan went for an interview (10:00am) today and by 1:00pm he had been offered a full time permanent job (in our nearby retail centre).  The work will be in retail but along the IT line - with standard hours and an opportunity to earn a bonus each fortnight if doing well. He had been hunting for months with no success (getting more stressed and unhappy), then on Monday I opened (employment website) and the first job I found was one I thought he should apply for (which he did).  He was contacted yesterday regarding the interview.  Only on Saturday we had searched the newspapers with no success. Some would say this was just good luck - not me - after months of prayers (from me and others), our prayers have been answered.  Only yesterday I wrote two verses in my bible study book " With God all things are possible" (Mark 10:27) and " In the Lord, I put my trust " (Psalm 11:1).  The Lord has been wonderful - but didn't answer tho...

Interview went well

Tristan's interview went well this morning. He said he could answer all the questions without difficulty and was only nervous at the beginning - for a boy who didn't like public speaking and who lacks confidences in himself, doing well in an interview is something he should be very proud of. The funny thing was I was probably more nervous than he was - I even had the sweaty palms!!!:) Below is the outfit he wore - Kathleen took some photos of him clowning about. He won't hear the results until the end of November. Will keep you posted.