
Showing posts with the label Just pictures

God's beauty: Herbs in the garden

Herbs And God said, “See, I have given you every  herb  that yields seed which is on the face of all the earth, and every tree whose fruit yields seed; to you it shall be for food.   (Genesis 1:29) Herbs are one of the easiest plants to grow in the garden and perfect for children to learn about the love of gardening and food.  Herbs are also wonderful for the senses - touch, smell, seeing and tasting. This is my herb garden and we all get great pleasure from it (even the Charlie cat loves to smell the herbs as she walks past) Herb gardens would have been found in most homes of the past (including in biblical times) as they didn't have a herb section in their local supermarket!! Herbs are great in cooking, for medicinal purposes, keeping pests from the garden or for simply just enjoying, they are a wonderful addition to any garden. Even if you have little space, herbs don't mind being grown in pots on the porch or even inside in ...

Just pictures: Fresh tomatoes

Tomatoes freshly grown from my garden become a yummy spicy relish :) Husband and son loved this recipe and were full of compliments. 

Just pictures: indoor plants

Whilst I was away last week my husband made a cover for the bath-tub (something we hardly use). On Monday I went to the plant nursery and bought some indoor plants to "prettify"  the space!! Ruby decided she must be in the photo-shoot regardless of my views!! All I have to do is keep these plants happy!!!

Just pictures: Henry

Henry the young magpie who has befriended us.