
Showing posts from July, 2014

This and that

Just wanted to share a few things with you - firstly, if you haven't already - do drop by my cousin's craft website and check out her knitted beanies. Here is the link . Bets is a homeschooling mum of two gorgeous children, do support her if you can or spread the word.  **** Went to my second quilting class on Tuesday. We started our first block - Ohio Star. However to make sure we learn all the basics, we are hand sewing this block. I was surprised at how strong the hand sewn square was.  I do need to work on my cutting!! Drawing lines on the fabric is now much easier thanks to this ceramic pencil - it glides across the fabric whereas the lead pencil was just too hard as it snagged on the fabric. A few of my new tools - my 1/4inch spacer and my inches ruler (for those in the US, we usually use metric, but as most quilting instructions are in inches all the equipment we use are also inches).  Almost finished a black lined pinafore (jumper) - hop...

Lazy parenting

"Many people have the expectation that children are going to come to school and they are going to be taught all of the things, including something as basic as speech, manners and toilet training,’' . . . Parents are making schools responsible for toilet training their children in some cases, putting an extra burden on educators, teachers have reported.   ( source ) I think we are living in an age of lazy parenting . . . apathetic parents . . . parents who are no longer parenting.  Parents using electronic devices such as iPads and TV as baby sitting tools.  Parents who don't have the time to have proper conversations with their children. Parents who are too "busy" to play with their children. Parents who don't have the time for proper sit down meals that are healthy and home cooked.  Parents who take their children to the park but then spend the entire time checking their phones.  Parents who send their childre...

Living in a bubble

This is a topic I have been thinking about latterly and one I know many of you don't agree with. Whilst the world is full of news that is both sad and tragic, I don’t think Christians should isolate themselves from it, literally placing themselves inside a bubble and removing themselves from what is happening outside their homes. This doesn’t mean watching every piece of news or being glued  to the TV 224/7 (as that is also bad), however it does mean having an understanding of what is happening both in our own country and in the rest of the world—being up-to-date with current events. One of the reasons why we started sponsoring a little girl in Bangladesh (14 years ago) was to make sure our sons understood that many millions of children (and their families) did not live the fortunate life they did. As they grew up, so did Shoma and they developed a greater understanding of the struggles faced by her family in a third world nation. This reality didn’t hurt or damage them, it...

Art Friday: Farming

John McCartin Art Friday: Farming Artists, past and present, have had a habit of making farming look romantic and very beautiful. As a farmers daughter I know that farming is both back breaking and heartbreaking and to earn an income to support one's family requires years of hard work. I loved growing up on a farm - but then again, I didn't have to do the heavy work (sorry brothers!) so to me it was idyllic and beautiful. Please enjoy this collection of art that reminds us of the importance's of farming - they do grow the food we eat. Robert Duncan (above and below) Mark Keathley Robert C Flowers Painting by Terry Redlin. It is hard to comprehend how the early settlers managed to farm and make a living. Many in Australia found it impossible, they were so unfamiliar with the harsh climate, especially in summer during the droughts that many were forced off the land.  Rounding up the sheep on a hot summers day in Australia by Tom Robert...

I am ready . . for quilting

Ladies, I am ready!!! I started my quilting course last night and it was great. First class was all about drafting our own patterns. In the course we learn how to make 9 different blocks (traditional) and these 9 blocks will become a 2 metre square (almost 2 yards) throw. I have gone for shades of purple. And to get me going, I have created my very own quilting folder which I will use for ideas, patterns/designs, projects, fabrics ordered etc.. There are so many great ideas hidden away in blogs, Pinterest and in library books, that I don't want to loose them - this way I can copying and placing them in my folder I have borrowed a heaps of books from the library, started a Pinterest folder on quilting  and one on favourite fabric , bought some quilting magazines from the news agency and a box to put my new fabric in.  I have most of the tools I need but I am sure I will gather more as time goes by. Last week I ordered fabric from Hawthorne Threads in the ...

Teaching self-control

Whoever has no rule over his own spirit Is like a city broken down, without walls. Proverbs 25:28 As a child, every Sunday my family and I went to our uncle's home for Sunday morning meeting. When my grandfather was alive, we would gather at his home. We didn't attend a main stream church, rather our family gathered together for hymns, bible reading and pray.  Between hymns there were periods of silent which, for any child, felt like forever. It was tough going at times. As children we were expected to sit quietly, no talking, no fidgeting, no walking about and we certainly weren't allow to have any toys to play with or books to read. As the youngest I sat next to my parents and if I did anything wrong I was given "that look" which I knew meant trouble.  From memory, I can't remember any of us getting into major trouble, we knew what was expected of us from an early age and we did as we were told - otherwise it meant trouble and perhaps the wood...

A day of rest

Six days may work be done;  but in the seventh is the sabbath of rest,  holy to the LORD. Exodus 31:15 *** We live in a 24/7 world.  A frantic lifestyle that has now become our norm.  No one is willing (or perhaps able) to stop for just one day a week to rest and recharge the batteries.  We need to "unplug" and make the Lord's Day a day of rest and a time for family.  There are so many wonderful things you can do to unwind -- sitting in the sunshine with a book (perhaps your bible), going for a gentle stroll and talking, inviting friends or family over for afternoon tea (don't make it complicated and lots of work), writing letters to loved ones or perhaps  listening  to hymns on a winters day.  It shouldn't be a day that you need to rush to the shops for groceries or  for  cleaning the house, even dinner can be a simple meal that doesn't involve to much work. Children need to learn that one day a ...

Art Friday: Are they real (Part 1)

Are they real? Today's Art Friday is all about realism and the incredible skill some people have with a lead pencil. None of these are photos, they are all hand-drawn and they are amazing.  I plan to do another one of these as there is so many examples to share.  I hope you have all had a lovely week and may the weekend be enjoyable:) I hope I have inspired you to sharpen your pencils are start drawing!! *****