Women have amazing strength

Painting by Frederick McCubbin I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me. (Philippians 4:13) **** Women have amazing strength and really can do almost anything if they need to. Just think back to your ancestors, the women of the past, our early pioneer women and think what they endured and managed — they were amazing. Often on their own (whilst their husbands went off to hunt or to undertake business) the women not only had to care for their children, they also had to cut wood, tend to the animals and make sure everything ran smoothly. In those early days women didn't live in comfortable homes as we do today, they lived in whatever their husbands could build, which might mean a tent or a timber or stone cottage with none of the mod-cons we have today. They were hot in summer and cold in winter, often had dirt floors and were not very pleasant. Women had to to make do with what they had. Those in urban locations often were living in overcrowded ...