Encouraging our husbands

Whilst I was writing the Ministry of Encouragement post the other day, I read something interesting by Nancy Leigh DeMoss: Your husband needs you to be his number one cheerleader and if you are not going to be an encourager in his life, there are plenty of other women who will. It’s no wonder, though no justification, that so many marriages are breaking up today because a man goes into his work place, and he can find women all over the work place who will fall all over themselves to encourage him. They will listen. They will care. They will show concern. They will show appreciation and admiration, and then he comes home, and he’s got a discouraging, whining, dripping faucet wife. Your husband, if you are married, should probably be the number one person on your list of people to look for ways to encourage. Your encouragement can make such a difference in your husband’s life and in the way that he encourages you in turn. ( Source ) If you don't e...