How desperate are you for Christ?

How desperate are you for God? How desperate are you spiritually? How desperate are you to walk with God? How desperate are you to know His will for your life? How desperate are you to see your friend come to Christ? How desperate are you for God? Funny how we become desperate for God when times are tough, but when we are sailing along without any major problems, we tend to let God slip to the back of our minds. We forget that we should be desperate for Him, at every moment, every hour of the day—not just during the difficult times in our lives. Our lives are cosy and safe, we really don't have the struggles that many around the world have, we are not refugees on the road trying to find a new home, we don't even need to fight for our believes—sadly this has made us complacent and we have forgotten why we need to be "desperate for God" in all aspects of our life. Perhaps we aren't as desperate (or...