Art Friday: The image of Jesus

John Everett Millais - Christ in the House of His Parents (`The Carpenter's Shop We are crazy about celebrities and cannot get enough of them—we demand the minutiae detail, we have an insatiable appetite for information about the rich and famous and women buy endless trashy magazines to look at the latest fashions wore by women they don't know but desperate to follow. Hollywood actors, members of the royal family and even people who haven't done anything significant are followed and photographed on a daily bases and we find their imagines in our magazines, newspapers and on TV. These people often have huge social media presents — they love the attention and we are more than happy to idolise them. However, the Saviour of this world never had His painting done when He walked this earth and we have no description of His looks. We no nothing of His appearance — how tall was Jesus, did He have a beard, beautiful and handsome? Did Jesus have curly or straight h...