Part 6: Christian working women - working from home

Part 6: Working from home I have never worked from home so I decided to ask someone who does and find out what it is like to run a business from home (while homeschooling) and what advice would she give others considering it. Thankyou Clara for your honest answers and I hope it is helpful for anyone considering setting up a home-based business. How difficult is it to time manage when running a home-based business? I have heard of some women who keep their work within certain time slots and that works well for them. To this point I haven't been able to do that and still meet the demands of my customers/workload. This means I have often put in 12-14 hour work days (6 days a week) and I've had to run my household from behind my sewing machine. This is something I've found extremely stressful - and the family has suffered for it. As a result of these difficulties, at the beginning of 2017, my husband and I decided I should try something new - I sh...