The time has come

After many years of blogging I have decided to put my pen down for the time being. I have blogged on many different topics and thus far written 1,947 posts. I am often surprised at the posts that gain the most interest — this year " Idolising poverty " received many hits, likewise " The myth of the perfect family ". " True restfulness " was very popular along with " The power of our homes ". Posts about fashion (modesty), ways to make our homes more comfortable, my room by room series were all winners with many hits and comments. However, the ones that weren't popular were the posts I often felt most strongly about, " Submitting to government " was one of them and those on domestic violence (a topic I am passionate about but one that many avoid even though it is a big problem in society including among the Christian community). The message I have tried to get across was the need for women to support and encour...