A few weeks ago I participated in the GROW YOUR BLOG party and met lots of lovely bloggers. As a special thankyou I am giving away 2 gifts and the winners of these gifts are: Bernadett Rauski petite-armoire2.blogspot.com.au Bernadett from Serbia and according to her bio teaches English to young learners (I hope her students are eager to learn!), a mother of two daughters, a wife, a cross stitcher and a crocheter. Terry from A Calendar of Gratitude http://acalendarofgratitude.blogspot.com.au This is one busy lady, according to her bio " I am a wife, mother, teacher, knitter, crocheter, felter. I am a wife to Gary. We have been happily married for 32 years. I am a mother to 25-year-old quadruplets. I start my day, every day, by putting on a load of wash, making a cup of coffee, and drinking that first cup of coffee of the day alone with God. I love my life! " Congratulations ladies. I will contact...