The sea

What a morning....... The sort that things don't got quite to plan........ Got up at 6:3am to drive my husband to the bus stop (10 mins trip) but before we left he noticed 2 screws in the front passenger tyre, fortunately they were so tightly in that no air was escaping, but it always make me nervous as I dislike flat tyres when I am by myself (I am hopeless at changing tyres). Dropped hubby at bus stop ..... drove home safely ..... had shower ...... got dressed (in more suitable attire) ...... took 17 year old to school (early) ..... went to tyre shop to have tyre fixed and waited 20 mins for this to be done ...... got half way home and realised that my bank key card was still at the tyre shop ..... turned around and went back to pick it up.......finally got home ....... had breakfast and read for a little while. Now I can relax. I am off to have lunch with 3 friends, that should be nice. So to return to a calm relaxing state ...