Paper dolls

Source: Link - this site allows you to download these gorgeous dolls/clothes

Did you play with paper dolls as a child?

I did and I still have most of them. I spent many hours cutting them out (with a lot of care and attention as you didn't want to cut of those little tags), dressing them and then creating all sorts of imaginary games.  I loved them dearly. I even own some dolls that my mother played with as a little girl!  They were a bit fiddly, need patience's and gentleness (as they could easily rip), their clothes fell off sometimes (if the little tags didn't sit quite right) and they could be a wobbly, but in the end, these were trivial issues that all could be solved. 

I had old fashion dolls and quite modern dolls, I had baby dolls and grown up ladies in fancy dresses. My mother added to their wardrobe with more clothes that she very carefully made and coloured-in for me (I still have some of these which I treasure).  They were an inexpensive "toy" for a little girl and one that could be added to with a little artist skill (no sewing required).  Not sure if the modern child would appreciate them like we did as they are not sophisticated like modern toys and they don't do "anything", it is up to you to create the story! 

If you want to read up on the history of paper dolls, here is an excellent link.

Do you have some old paper dolls you use to play with - here is a great way to display them
Imagine this in a little girls room, an inexpensive way to decorate a space (source)
Another great way to display your paper dolls collection (source)


Here are some links to free downloads (includes the one below)


  1. Hi there Joluise.. I a am so glad I stopped by to your lovely! I use to love playing with paper dolls with the paper clothes..hours of great fun!! What a neat and creative way to showcase this nostalgic and fun toy...I guess they are! Thanks for the idea. I look forward to coming to visit you again real soon! :-)

  2. I had paper dolls to play with as a child sadly none remain today.

  3. I didn't as a child:( but dd does and loves them!

  4. Oh yes, we loved playing with paper dolls when I was a girl - I have no idea if they're still around or not.
    Dolly really treasures her paper dolls and only plays with them every now and then because her brother tends to be a bit rough around her when she plays with them and she's afraid of them tearing etc...

    1. There are some beautiful ones that can be downloaded from the net - but I agree with Dolly, they are very delicate and not very good around boys!!! Perhaps she should hang some on her wall to look at.


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