Lets find the positive

The East End of London, 1939 ( source ) Too many bloggers bemoan the school system, how bad the government is, how society is slipping into quagmire, the size of the debt and the list goes on. Some of this is true, but to a non-Christian, it comes across as a lot of unhappiness and complaining. We need to start looking around for what is good, at people who are doing wonderful things, the kindness, the gentleness, the beauty that can be found. Being positive. Constantly finding fault in society (blaming the government for everything) is not healthy or productive and its depressing. We are told in the bible to " rejoice ", but many a blog I visit is anything but rejoicing. I have just finished reading " Call the Midwife " by Jennifer Worth. Some of you may have seen the series on TV (which was excellent), but the book is even better and I would highly recommend it. Jennifer was a midwife in the 1950's working in the East End of London. The East End h...