I'm a better Christian than you

As a child I thought our family were very good Christians, far better than most. Why? Because we don't own a TV, I always wore skirts or dresses, hat on Sundays, we read the Bible daily and we sung hymns around the piano in the evening, never swore, never went to the movies, didn't drink alcohol, didn't listen to modern music and unlike all my friends I wasn't allowed to cut my hair short, wear ear-rings or go to parties. To a young child, these all " ticked the boxes " that made for a "good" Christian family. But ticking the boxes does not make for a good Christian. These can and sometime be just appearances. It is how we behave and what is in our hearts everyday that counts. I see this, perhaps not intentionally in Blogland. I am a stay-at-home-mum (tick), I home school (tick), I only wear skirts (tick), we don't own a TV (tick), we only read good books (tick), we read the bible daily (tick), I have lots of children wi...