Foods in the Bible

As I have mentioned many times before, we eat very little processed/packaged/pre-made foods. I cook from scratch and we rarely eat take-aways. Eating healthy foods is important and I try hard as the cook in our house to prepare healthy homemade meals. Ever since this switch, pre-made food just doesn't tastes as good as what you can make yourself and I have lost interest in take-aways, they are always disappointing. In recent months there has been a number of stories in the paper/TV regarding sugar and how bad it is for us. Sugar is in so much processed foods and in products such as supermarket bread. If we cut our processed food, we cut out lots of sugar. Skip the fizzy drinks and even more sugar is removed from the diet. I do add sugar when making cakes/muffins and biscuits, but reduce the amount I add. I am moving toward honey as a replacement as this is far less processed and better for you (in moderation) - here is a link for using honey as a ...