Art Friday: Flowers in gardens and fields

George Marks (1857-1933) - The Rhododendron Walk Art Friday: Flowers in gardens and fields Todays paintings are for anyone needing a quiet and tranquil place to rest awhile. A place that is calm and peaceful, removing all those sad thoughts, bad news and world events that only bring heartbreak and replaces it with flowers, perfume and beauty. Lets all escape just for a while. Peace I leave with you, My peace I give to you; not as the world gives do I give to you. Let not your heart be troubled, neither let it be afraid. (John 14:27) Abbott Fuller Graves (1859 - 1936) - Spring Garden Mary Dipnall — High Pastures Kaethe Hoeltzell Arthur Parton Anton Filkuka (1888-1957) Mary Dipnall — Bluebell Path Daniel Garber (1880-1958) Michael James Smith — Derbyshire in Spring Gerhard Nesvadba - Poppies and Wheatfield Mary Dipnall S.M. Lee, The Last Days of Summer Jean Marc Janiaczyk *****