The humble clothes line is still very much in use in my home — in fact I no longer have a dryer and hang all my clothes outdoors in summer, spring and autumn and only indoors in winter (on a clothes horse). Due to our sunny climate, the cloth line is still very much in use in Australia and all new homes still have a cloth line installed in the back garden and most people use them, particular in warmer months.
A clothes line gives sheets a wonderful fresh smell and it saves on the cost of electricity because you use the heat of the sun rather than a machine!! I am a fan of the clothes line and would feel very lost without one! I quite often do a load of washing when I get home in the afternoon and my husband takes it off the next morning. It means in summer, the clothes are not in the full heat of the sun which isn't very good for the fabric.
Do you use a clothes line for drying the clothes?
laundry day by Cynthia Decker |
"Farmhouse & Laundry" 2003 by Steve Coffey |
Elio Ferrara |
Raffaello Sorbi |
David Renshaw |
"Spring Wash Day" by Trisha Romance |
Fabio Ricco - Laundry Time |
I hang everything out to dry whenever possible, I love the smell of newly laundered bedding/clothing that has been outside.
ReplyDeleteIt is the best smell :)) and the sheets feel so much nicer to lie on.
DeleteI love the picture: laundry day by Cynthia Decker
ReplyDeleteThe joy of a large veranda, can hang outdoors pretty well 365 days a year, though on the coldest winter days they need a final dry in front of the fire. S
I sadly don't have a special space for winter but for most of the year I can hang out doors and only require a small hang inside for the last damp spots.
DeleteI love the smell of sheets that have been line dried. I don't have a clothes line, but sometimes dry things on racks on my deck in the summer. Clothes lines aren't allowed in our sub. Can you believe that?!
ReplyDeleteAre they not allowed because they are unsightly ? I am so glad we are allow to have them as I use my almost all year round, except in winter when it is too cold and damp.
DeleteMy uncle and aunt built a house years ago in a neighborhood where they were not allowed to have a clothes line. Apparently the man who sold the land for the development wrote it into the contract that people were not allowed to have clothes lines because he didn't want to see people's laundry hanging out. He apparently thought it was unsightly and since he lived across a small field he could see into a number of the back yards - including my uncle and aunt's. They told us that some of the folks on the other side of the street had managed to sneak in clothes lines where he couldn't see them after some years. ;-)
DeleteMy sister lives in a subdivision that has those rules written into the HOA so she hangs a few things on her deck as Deborah does. But no lines! They do think it to be unsightly and do not want people leaving their clothes, towels, etc. out for a long time. ??
DeleteI found this so interesting as its very different to what I am use to - things one learns from blogging!!!
DeleteSpring wash day is my fav! And yes, we always use our line! Rarely use the dryer - especially now we don't need so many nappies to be ready each day =)
When our drier died we decided not to replace it and so far I haven't missed it at all.
DeleteMy mother used a clothes line often for years. I helped her hand out the clothes many times. Here in Texas clothes would dry quickly, but we would also have the issue of sun damage during the hottest months. The clothes line at this house was over an area of yard that gets very dusty during the dry times and it was also rather high, so we took it down. I have a lot of skin allergies and am not sure that hanging clothes outside now would help that at all. But, it would be easy to return to it if we felt we needed to. :-)
ReplyDeleteThe issue of the sun in Texas is the same as we have here but I have to say I've never had any problems. I tend to hang my washing out over night on days when it will be over 40C (100F) and no issues with bugs or spiders either.
DeleteIt would be interested to see if sunshine drying makes skin allergies worse or better, it's not something I've heard of here where most Australians hang their washing outdoors.
I do Jo! There is nothing like washing dried in the sunshine! Mimi xxx
ReplyDelete:)Totally agree.
DeleteWe use to have a clothes line but have since moved to an apartment. I'm hoping to get a drying rack. I do so miss my line dried clothes!!! We unfortunately did have the spider problem. My children found it funny to watch mommy drop an item because a jumping spider took a jump at me. Surprisingly, I miss those creepy critters. Beautiful artwork! Thanks for sharing.
ReplyDeleteI took the washing off the line this morning (as it threatened to rain) and I checked for spiders (which I never do) and there wasn't any. I just don't think its an issue here!! Perhaps our spiders don't like our washing!
DeleteI love clothes lines and use mine whenever possible. Here in the Yukon it's not for as much of the year as it is for you, but I love it! There is a rack behind my wood stove that I used for many things in the rest of the year. :) thanks for the lovely inspiration!
ReplyDeleteGlad you enjoyed it - your warmer months are probably considerably shorter than ours - but with the indoor option, it sounds like you have it all sorted!
DeleteI love your pictures you chose for this post! I agree nothing like freshly line dried clothing, especially sheets! Blessings, Lynn
ReplyDeleteGlad you enjoyed this post :)
DeleteI would if I could. No clothes lines in an apartment. (add another negative to the list)
ReplyDeleteI loved the beautiful artwork you shared with your post! I'm glad you linked at The Art of Homemaking. I've enjoyed my visit today!
I lived in an apartment many many years ago and I know what you mean. So glad you have enjoyed the art work - I have certainly loved all the comments on this topic :)
DeleteI love this! This brings me back to days of old. My childhood home and hanging clothes on the line. Thank you for sharing.
ReplyDeleteAnd you have just reminded me, I need to take my clothes off the line!!!
DeleteOn another side, I love some of these paintings...they remind me of my mother growing up in Chicago where the lines were strung between buildings...Fabio Ricco - Laundry Time and Elio Ferrara...both Italian names which my mother was also...Malcotti. A time long ago, yet still happens somewhere.
ReplyDeleteThanks for sharing these fine paintings and the memories.
So glad you enjoyed these paintings - this was a very popular segment - its interesting how a simple household chores brings back fond memories!!
DeleteI love "Spring wash day" - beautiful art!
ReplyDeleteI also love hanging my wash outside. I'm always disappointed when the wet weather stretches on and I have to hang my washing indoors... It's just not the same as hanging them outside!
I've never had a clothes dryer and I never intend to get one.
This was one of my popular posts so it appears that lots of ladies like to see paintings of washing on the line!! I hang mine indoors in winter and can't wait until the weather warms so I can hang them outside with the fresh air and sunshine.
DeleteWe had a dryer in Darwin and it had its uses but now that the children are all grown up, life with a dryer is fine. In cold climates (such as where Nick lives) they are handy.