Christmas cheer

The end of the year has arrived and in a few short weeks 2017 will be here. What a year it has been — I have written over 150 blog posts and numerous Facebook entries covering many different topics from looking after our home, contentment in whatever situation we find ourselves, coping with death, the importances of friendships, leaning on the Lord, understanding our bibles better, modern modesty (which was very popular), dealing with fear, bringing up children, motherhood and a number of current affair topics including politics. And each week I have included a variety of art which I hope you have enjoyed. Its now time to take a break and enjoy Christmas with my family. But before I go, I would like to thank the many wonderful people who have left comments, or just stopped by to read what I have written. It humbles me greatly to know that there are those of you who find my blog interesting and useful. I read each comment that is left and try to response as quickly as I c...