
Adolescence is a period of rapid changes. Between the ages of 12 and 17, for example, a parent ages as much as 20 years. Author Unknown Our children can bring us much joy, they can also cause us much grief and sadness. Teenagers are, well (very) difficult at times and I know many parents, me included who wish we could speed up the years so we can skip the teenage pains (or send them off to boot camp for a few years). At times it can become a little too much. I don't think any parents goes through the teenage years without a number of fights . . . when words are spoken and then regretted. They can be over the silliest of things . . . the one with my son was over cans in the cupboard (don't ask). Someone asked me the other day the following question " if you could capture time, what age would you like you son to stay ". . . my reply was " two ". They were so sweet at that age. Innocent, funny and just gorgeous. At 18, things have change...