Being content in the New Year

As I write this, 2011 is drawing to a close. By midnight tonight the new year would have arrived. This is the time of year when people dream up New Years resolutions - the most popular resolutions being: spending more time with family and friends getting fit/loose weight quite smoking/drinking enjoy life more get out of debt learn something new get organised However, most people either forget or cannot maintain their New Year resolutions so with a short span of time they are long forgotten. Last year I thought I would "learn something new" and crocheting was going to be my thing. It never happened. I did try but it was just "too hard". However I did do a few other things that were not on my list, such as learn how to make jam and chutneys, make bread, improve my sewing, start embroidering and produce vegetables for my family. These I have done all year and will continue into the new year. I have also lost weight . . and will continue into 2012 (just need ...