Another day . . .

What's being happening? Firstly, my husband had a tooth removed this week and that wasn't fun at all, going to the dentist never is. But everything is healing really well and the pain has almost gone. He was very impressed with the new dentist (who didn't over charge like many others do) and did a great job. Secondly, our eldest son had an interview this week and did very well (even though he was very nervous). The interviewer contacted him on Friday and asked for other bits and pieces which sounds promising. Praying hard for this one to be successful. And finally, we have a new fish tank (4 foot) and ready to fill with water in the next day or two. Its all rather exciting but I am glad I won't be the one moving the fish as that will be rather stressful for both the fish and dear hubby. Fortunately the lady across the street works at a fish aquarium store and knows everything you need to know about fish - very handy. I will post some photos ...