
Showing posts from May, 2010

Sewing update

When making a movie, the producer will give the movie a "working title" until a permanent one is decided.  So whilst sewing on the face of my doll I decided she needed a "working title", it wasn't fair to just call her "doll" now that she has a face.  So I decided on Tabitha which means " good works and  a kindly woman ".  Of course once she has her own little owner, a new name can be given to her. These are Tabitha's body parts ready to put together. I am just stuffing her tummy and will then sew all the bits together.  I will then need to buy some hair for her head, not sure whether to got with blonde or brunette.  The dress was coming along nicely until I made a mistake and had to unpick.  As she will have 2 dresses, this first one is a bit of a test at my sewing skills. * * * * Thank you for the lovely comments about the new design of the blog. I am glad you like it.  I have used one of my favourite colours. * * * *

Time for a change

Image It may be bleak and wet here in my little part of the world, but I thought it was time to jazz up my blog to give it a warm (inviting) spring feel. . . . What do you think?
~ Love Divine ~ Love divine, all loves excelling, Joy of heaven to earth come down; Fix in us thy humble dwelling; All thy faithful mercies crown! Jesus, Thou art all compassion,
 Pure unbounded love Thou art;
 Visit us with Thy salvation;
 Enter every trembling heart. Breathe, O breathe Thy loving Spirit,
 Into every troubled breast! 
Let us all in Thee inherit;
 Let us find that second rest.
 Take away our bent to sinning;
 Alpha and Omega be;
 End of faith, as its Beginning,
 Set our hearts at liberty. Come, Almighty to deliver,
 Let us all Thy life receive; 
Suddenly return and never,
 Never more Thy temples leave.
 Thee we would be always blessing,
 Serve Thee as Thy hosts above,
 Pray and praise Thee without ceasing,
 Glory in Thy perfect love. Finish, then, Thy new creation; Pure and spotless let us be.
 Let us see Thy great salvation 
Perfectly restored in Thee;
 Changed from glory into glory,
 Till in heaven we take our place,
 Till we cast our crowns before Thee,
 Lost ...
Image A very bleak Saturday with grey skies and rain.  My only outing this morning was to do the groceries.  It can be tricky holding the umbrella whilst loading up the car with groceries.  I try and avoid getting my hair wet, as it is curly and goes slightly (I think more than slightly) wild looking after it gets wet.  It is almost impossible to control curly hair when there is moisture in the air.  It has a mind of its own. Once home I decide the best thing to do in the rain (I wasn't in the rain of course!) was to cook, so I made: Beef and red wine casserole (which I will freeze - enough for 2 meals) Lamb shank casserole (which I will also freeze to eat later in the week) Lamb and tomato masala (a spicy Indian type disk) - which we are having tonight for dinner Creamy rice pudding (mmmmm, so delicious - for dessert) Whilst these meals were cooking I watch part of a ...
3 Stages of Life Teen Age: Have time and energy but no money Middle Age: Have money and energy but no time Old Age: Have time and money but no energy
Is there a food item in your house that if it runs out it will result in the sky falling in? When the children were little it was a disaster to run out of tomato sauce (ketchup)  — what were they going to put on their meat pies, sandwiches, mash potato, lamb chops? Things though have changed in our house, we have moved to some more sophisticated  — the new food item that we can NOT LIVE WITHOUT is mayonnaise .  It is such a versatile food (is a condiment a food?) that can be used on many different things including: salads, hot chips, mash potato, (roast potato) chicken schnitzel, sandwiches. This week I served Chicken Kiev, with hot chips and salad.  O no, the mayonnaise jar was empty (and in the fridge!) so I had to make creamy dressing for the salad (good but not as good as mayo), but what were we going to use for the chips.  The meal just wasn’t quite as nice as usual . . .  sour cream does not replace mayonnaise. So where I am going this afternoo...
Television - good or bad?   My parents thought TV was bad so we never owned one and I spent the first 19 years of my life not viewing a TV unless we were visiting friends or staying in a motel on holidays.  I was the only child at my school without a TV and I felt a bit left out!  I now own two, so are they ok or not? According to an A.C. Nielsen poll, the average American watches more than 4 hours of TV each day (or 28 hours/week, or 2 months of nonstop TV-watching per year). In a 65-year life, that person will have spent 9 years glued to the tube. Like anything - all things in moderation - knowing when to turn it off and knowing when a programme is mindless rubbish.  Some nights when I look at what is on I wonder who is watching as it is just a complete waste of time (reality TV is a big thing at the moment which is anything but reality!).  On the plus side, TV can be very educational - I have watched a number of excellent documentaries e.g. history, art, ...
A very dreary day where I live - drizzle all day, foggy and grey.  I was very glad that I was indoors and warm.  It is times like these that I am glad I have an indoor job - not like the road builders I pass every day no matter the weather.  The garden will be happy as we haven't had rain for a couple of weeks and the pots were getting a bit dry. So here is something uplifting for a gloomy day. "O give thanks unto the LORD; for he is good; for his mercy endureth for ever." Chronicles 16:34  "Rejoice evermore.    Pray without ceasing.     In every thing give thanks" 1 Thessalonians 5:16-18 The Devils Marbles in outback Northern Territory  These huge granite boulders are known as Karlu Karlu by the Aboriginals in the region  

Nothing interesting, at all . . .

I have no idea what to write – can’t even think up an interesting topic. So I looked through the newspaper, any ideas, non of any substances (there rarely is), but I must say I have learnt a few things today, such as: Velvet is the new black – what on earth does that mean?  I quite like velvet, it feels nice to touch, I even think I own a velvet skirt - I am in fashion now! The Icelandic volcano is cooling – that was good to hear, but I would assume that it isn’t cool enough to touch yet :) Someone decided to go swimming at the base of Mount Everest, why, it couldn’t have been that enjoyable, I would have chosen somewhere tropical :) And, just as I was existing the on-line newspaper my eye catch a story on the 5 essential items for winter – now, I don’t know about you, but when I think of the 5 essential items I need for winter, things like warm coats, long boots, woollen dresses/skirts spring to mind, however this story made me wonder where these designers were living if this ...
O Lord my God, when I in awesome wonder O Lord my God, when I in awesome wonder consider all the works thy hand hath made, I see the stars, I hear the mighty thunder, thy power throughout the universe displayed: Then sings my soul, my Saviour God; to thee, How great thou art, how great thou art! Then sings my soul, my Saviour God; to thee, How great thou art, how great thou art! When through the woods and forest glades I wander, and hear the birds sing sweetly in the trees; when I look down from lofty mountain grandeur, and hear the brook, and feel the gentle breeze; But when I think that God, his Son not sparing, sent him to die-I scarce can take it in that on the cross, our burden gladly bearing, he bled and died to take away our sin; When Christ shall come with shout of acclamation and take me home-what joy shall fi1l my heart! Then shall I bow in humble adoration, and there proclaim: My God, how great thou art!   Link to mountain photo
Oh, give thanks to the Lord! Call upon His name; Make known His deeds among the people! Sing to Him, sing psalms to Him; Talk of all His wondrous works! Glory in His holy name; Let the hearts of those rejoice who seek the Lord! Seek the Lord and His strenght; Seek His face evermore! Remember His marvelous works which He has done, His wonders, and the judgments of His mouth, O seed of Abraham His servant, You children of Jacob, His chosen ones! He is the Lord our God. Psalm 105: 1-7 (NKJ) (Daintree, Queensland - Australia)
A happy ending A pensioner in the UK, Jack Harris, finally completed a seven year project to build a 5,000 piece jigsaw (which he was given for Christmas in 2002).  However when he got the last piece he discovered it was missing.  He and his family could not find it anywhere in the house. The happy ending to this story, the company who manufactured the jigsaw,  Falcon Games LTD, has now come to his rescue by having a replacement piece sent to his home.  The puzzle is no longer made but the firm agreed to find the original design and make the one missing piece.   The retired businessman, believes the original piece may have been thrown away by mistake or eaten by one of  two dogs. The company have also sending Mr Harris a load of new puzzles from the range - although at 1,000 pieces some of these are slightly smaller. * * * * Attention to detail This made me chuckle at myself: A few months ago I bought a skirt from a on-line company in the USA – a...

A quiet thought: Godly wives

  I stumble and fall as a wife and I am certainly no expert.  My pride gets in my way, I nag when I shouldn’t, I open my mouth and the wrong things come out and I ask the Lord to change my husband rather than looking at myself and asking the Lord to “Change me”.   So when I was reading “ A Fruitful Vine ” (which I mentioned the other day) I found a list on ways of becoming a stronger Christian wife.   It may look easy, however life is never smooth and when ones husband comes home anger or does something you don’t like/agree with these qualities can be quickly forgotten in the heat of the moment.   I prayer that God will give me the guidance I need to become a  Godly wife for my husband. That I will respect his authority in the home, not be critical or nagging, not contradict or demean him publicly.  Instead be a supportive and responsive wife. **Know your husband : Therefore shall a man leave his father and his mother, and shall cleave unto...

Almost Wordless Wednesday

I was visiting a friend last weekend and noticed her calendar - the pictures  were beautiful and so full of detail.  I just loved them. The artist is Bev Doolittle (born January 10 1947)  an American working mainly in watercolours paints. She paints scenes of the American West and feature themes of Native American life, wild animals, horses, and landscapes.  Look closely at her paintings and you will see hidden animals. Check these out - the first one is my favourite:

Continuation of post below . . .

AND (oops - who noticed??) T is for the TERRIBLE  aTTENTION To deTail !!!!!!!!

Trivia Tuesday: A to Z of things you didn't know about me:)

Apples – "lived" in an apple bin when little (!!!)  and love eating stewed apples with crumble Bananas – no thanks, NOT EVER, never never never . .  . not even banana cake Cats – cute and cuddle and o’ so sweet Dobermans – love their owners, eat the neighbours (have owned/own 6 Dobermans) Edges   - I have a height phobia so never go close to edges or ledges!! Fitness –  what is fitness, too l a z y . . . I just walk very quickly to the car Giggles – my brothers use to make me giggle at dinner (when we had visitors) and I would get into trouble (they didn't) Hills – I am surrounded by hills and I love looking at them (don’t climb them, see F) Illness – had German Measles as a child and almost died and still have no immunity to the disease Jo – named after my grandmother Johanna, meaning “ a gift from God ” which I was after my oldest sister died from cot death at 4 months Knitting – I have knitted 1 jumper and 2 scarves in my life time . ...
Starting the doll has lead to other things, such as new glasses and changing desks!!  Yes, I have moved the kitchen table into the study (no one uses it anymore) and got rid of my old desk that wasn't very practical.  The picture below is what it looks like now.  Not big but will meet all my requirements for the moment (until the children move out and I take over a bedroom!).  I really like my little spot:) This is me at my desk. I saw these at the hardware store and thought they would be really useful on my desk. You buy them individually for $7.00 (much cheaper than those you buy from craft/stationary stores) and they are very roomy - I might get one more. * * * *
    The Old Rugged Cross (words by George Bennard, 1873 - 1958)   On a hill far away stood an old rugged cross, the emblem of suffering and shame; and I love that old cross where the dearest and best for a world of lost sinners was slain. (Refrain:) So I'll cherish the old rugged cross, till my trophies at last I lay down; I will cling to the old rugged cross, and exchange it some day for a crown. O that old rugged cross, so despised by the world, has a wondrous attraction for me; for the dear Lamb of God left his glory above to bear it to dark Calvary. (Refrain) In that old rugged cross, stained with blood so divine, a wondrous beauty I see, for 'twas on that old cross Jesus suffered and died, to pardon and sanctify me. (Refrain) To that old rugged cross I will ever be true, its shame and reproach gladly bear; then he'll call me some day to my home far away, where his glory forever I'll share. (Refrain) I had many favourite hymns as a child ...

Reading, Listening, Watching

READING I am currently reading Castle in the Air by Judy Corbett.  A young couple buys Gwydir Castle (located in North Wales in the craggy foothills of the Snowdonian mountain) and decide to renovate.  It is a filthy, cold and wet - built in the 16th century and now very much a ruin.  What a job they had , certainly not for the fainthearted! The books covers this journey, a very interesting read so far.  The photo below is what the castle looks like now! I wonder how cold it is inside (too big for central heating!!). (you can stay here in the B&B!) I am also reading The Fruitful Vine by Warren Henderson.  This is a really good read (thanks Clara) - The Fruitful Vine contains six sections. The first, The Marital Union, supplies the biblical foundation for the remainder of the book: Why was marriage instituted, and what was God's best plan for marriage? The chapter "To Marry or Not?" offers guidance a...
A quick hi, wishing you all a wonderful weekend.  I have a 2 things planned for this weekend – come back on Monday to find out more!!  A very busy week for me . . . glad that it is over.  Managed to get out of the office today and go for a walk in the sunshine and walk through   to the lovely gardens. How was your week? What was the highlight?  — My youngest would say it was buying him new shoes  and making his favourite chicken and corn soup last night.  My highlight was receiving a lovely parcel from my cousin (thanks :) and having my eyes tested and finding out they are very healthy. Got our first frosts for the season, crisp cold mornings which certainly wake you up.  Out came the scarves and jumpers —  particular on Thursday when it was as low as -4C (24.8F).  Better run — Caius and I are going out this evening.  Hugs  Jo * * * The smile is a universal language * * *

A quiet thought

A Ballast for My Soul   Life is like a stormy sea   That tosses to and fro,   But God's Word will ever be   A ballast for my soul. By its truth I'll be held fast   Till I reach heaven's shore   Where I will be home at last   And sail life's sea no more       —Perry Boardman "Watch, stand fast in the faith, be brave, be strong" Corinthians 16:13 (NKJ)

Almost Wordless Wednesday

Charlie with the washing!! Keeping warm during our cold nights Checking out the bin * * * * Had my eye tested this afternoon - my eyes aren't as bad as I thought they might be. The place I went to had an excellent deal - 2 glasses for the price of one don't need 2 pairs, but when they are free - I will take 2 please!! Really cool frames - didn't cost much at all (thanks to private health how paid the bulk). * * * *

Attention Deficit Disorder - my journey

Attention Deficit Disorder (ADD) – I am no expert but I am the mother of a child (now grown) with ADD – and I thought I would share some of my journey. Even from toddler-hood I knew that my son was bouncing around far more than other children and when he hit pre-school the first thing his teacher said to me was “ your child is hyper-active ”.  I said “ no way, he is just lively ”.  I wasn’t going to have labels placed on my son!  However the problems began to show right from the start once he started school (this list is common across most children with ADD: He couldn’t sit still He struggle with following instructions He was impulsive He had a short attention span He would stare out of the window rather than focusing on what he was meant to do Have difficulty processing information as quickly and accurately as others He wasn’t a team player (lost count of the number of times I have heard this) He was poorly co-ordinated He didn’t make friends He was a loner ...

The doll project

You may remember me talking about sewing - well I have started, but not with what you think.  I have become a little side-tracked and have decided to make a doll!!!  Why, you may ask.  Well, my cousin Clara asked in her blog about the types of arts and crafts we have been doing.  As I was writing the list I remembered I had made 3 dolls when I was 18 and I loved making the clothes.  I have no daughters  (or granddaughters) so I have no one to make pretty dresses for - but if I make a doll and can sew beautiful dresses to my hearts content. But first I need to make the doll . . . so far 2 arms and 1 leg.  I have started the dress, but you will have to wait to see that!! As I haven't sewn for 22 years - I had to go and buy "stuff" - pins, marking pens, cotton, needles, un-pickers (very handy) . . .  plus a pin-cushion (I have never owned one).   My sons, when they saw the mouse (see photo) they thought it was pretty cool!! However I nee...

Mothers Day

  "A mother holds her children's hands for a little while; their hearts, forever." A Mother's Love ~ A Mother's love is something  
that no on can explain, 
It is made of deep devotion 
and of sacrifice and pain, 
It is endless and unselfish 
and enduring come what may 
For nothing can destroy it 
or take that love away . . . 
It is patient and forgiving
 when all others are forsaking,
 And it never fails or falters 
even though the heart is breaking . . . 
It believes beyond believing 
when the world around condemns, 
And it glows with all the beauty
 of the rarest, brightest gems . . . 
It is far beyond defining,
 it defies all explanation,
 And it still remains a secret
 like the mysteries of creation . . .
 A many splendoured miracle 
man cannot understand 
And another wondrous evidence
 of God's tender guiding hand. Helen Steiner Rice My two beautiful sons took me out for lunch today and we had a wonderful time together.  My eldest paid for the meal...

Following the white line . . .

My son and I found this funny - a plane flying next to the line left by another plane. At least we knew the pilot was "driving" straight!!!
One of the greatest tragedies of life is to take things for granted, blissfully ignorant of the fact that nothing is permanent in this world. Cherish things while you still have them, before they're gone, and you realize how precious they really are. (author unknown) (both photos are of the gardens in Lisse, Netherlands) If my life surroundered to God,  all is well. Let me not grab it back, as though it were in peril in His hand but would be safer in mine. - Elisabeth Elliot - * * * * I chose these 2 photos of the gardens in Lisse, Netherlands as I could see myself wandering through, alone, enjoying the tranquility of nature.  Aren't they so restful. * * * * May you all, dear blogging friends have a wonderful weekend.

What do you think?

I don’t know about you, but I do not like (loathe may be a better word) swearing.  I hear it more and more and it appears to have become part of everyday language — all you need to do it catch a bus in the afternoon when the school students are on their way home and you will hear the most horrible language coming from quite young children.  It’s on our TVs, radios, movies (I doubt you could find many films that didn't contain swearing), newspapers – no one looks up when they hear swearing any more — it is now considered part of the language of our times. I have been told when I have said something that I am being “ precious ” and should “ get over it ”.  I don’t think I am and nor does the New South Wales Police Force.  I was reading a newspaper article earlier this week where a police officer charged a young man for swearing at him however the courts throw out the charges.   The magistrate told the police to become a little more “thick-skinned” or “ge...

Wordless Wednesday
