
Statistics — most people go into a spin when they hear this word. Statistics are all around us, however they are used all too often to convince (or manipulate) the public. Those in government use the numbers to tells us things are improving (this is particularly the case with economic statistics), whilst the opposition uses the same numbers to tell us things are going bad, downhill. Others use the data to convince us that we need to change — the way we think is no longer the norm and it is time to make some changes for the common good of the country. So who is telling the truth? The problem is, we live in a society that is not statistically literate. Therefore many people would not have a clue if the statistics they are being fed are accurately or not. This is particularly the case during elections — beware of any statistics you hear, they are used to manipulate the truth and both sides do it — in all countries . All of this gives statist...